Commercial Fire Protection

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Protection

Our commercial fire division is dedicated to protecting those who patron your business, business inventory, and your company valuables. Our engineers evaluate the risks present and create a fire protection system from portable fire extinguishers, fixed system fire extinguishers (such as foam fire sprinklers), fire suppression systems, fire sprinklers, fire alarms, and fire detection alarms to fit your business needs and meet or exceed California State Fire Codes.

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinklers

Protecting your clients and your business from the dangers of fire, our fire protection companies’ engineers design commercial fire sprinkler systems with only leading fire safety manufacturers’ parts and supplies. This helps ensure that you will not only meet, but exceed California State Fire Codes, and protect your clients, inventory, & possessions. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Protection Services

Our fire protection company will be able to handle your commercial fire safety needs. We offer a full range of services from fire sprinkler design, engineering, installation, repair and maintenance, update and retrofit your existing fire sprinkler systems, fixed fire safety systems, fire safety suppression systems, testing, inspection and certification of your new or existing fire sprinkler system. We use only leading fire safety manufacturers’ components and meet or exceed California State Fire Codes.  More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Estimates, Quotes, and Bids

Our focus is on fire safety and fire protection when it comes to your business. Our company offers competitive bids and the fire safety engineers will detail the quote to estimate the costs involved for the installation or remodel and retrofit of your existing fire sprinkler and fire safety system. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Design

The fire protection engineer’s main concern is to design a fire protection system suitable to extinguish & contain any type of fire hazard, saving lives, inventory & your business valuables. The design is crucial, ensuring that in the event of a fire, all parts of the fire protection system work properly, from the fire alarm to the fire sprinkler extinguishing the fire. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Engineering

Our fire safety engineers will apply science and engineering aiding them in identifying the fire risks and design safeguards that help prevent, manage and alleviate the destructive effects of fire to your business. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Installation

The motivation behind the fire sprinkler installation is simple, have all fire sprinkler heads ready and waiting to spring to life with a stable supply of fire extinguishing materials to put out a fire. Our engineers will identify the risks, offer a competitive & detailed quote, for your business to review and install a new fire protection system. More…

Los Angeles Types of Commercial Fire Safety & Fire Protection Systems Available

We list the different types of commercial fire sprinkler systems available and offer an explanation of what each fire sprinkler system was designed for. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Alarms and Fire Detection Alarms

Fire alarms and fire detection alarms are designed to be the first line of defense, alarming all to the event of a possible fire, offer time for your patrons to evacuate, as fire sprinklers spring to life extinguishing the fire in your business. The fire alarm is designed to save lives. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Repair

Our fire protection engineers are able to identify the issues with your fire protection system, repair, existing fire sprinklers, fire suppression systems, fire detection alarms and fire alarms, in the event that your existing fire protection system is not working properly. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Maintenance

Once your commercial fire protection system is installed, it will require maintenance of the fire system consisting of testing, inspecting, and repairing any issues that may exist. This scheduled maintenance intervals should occur on a regular basis quarterly and annually. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Remodel and Retrofitting

Keeping up with California Fire Codes may require that your fire protection system be updated and brought current with CA Fire Codes. We are able to retrofit your fire protection system and fire sprinklers, remodel what’s needed, bringing it current with California State Fire Codes. Allow us to inspect and offer our competitive bid for your fire sprinkler retrofitting. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Inspection

The National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA suggests an inspection of the fire protection & fire sprinkler system to occur once a quarter (4 times annually) by a fire protection company or licensed professional. The fire sprinkler inspections ensure the fire protection system is working properly. More…

Los Angeles Commercial Fire Sprinkler Certification

California State Fire Codes have implemented a 5 year fire sprinkler certification according to California Code of Regulations Title 19 Chapter 5, Article 4. The work should be done by a State of California Contractors State Licensing Board Fire Protection Contractor, or a California State Fire Marshal Licensed A (Type 1, 2, or 3 They will make sure the system complies, meeting or exceeds the requirements of all California Fire Codes, and certify the fire protection system is functioning properly. More…